Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Secretly Longing for Fall

It's not a big secret that I am a huge fan of Fall. Summer is just not that fun for me anymore. It has lost all it's lustere. I still have to work... every day. No summer break for me. And I have no pool or beach to enjoy the summer heat in, so what's the point? It's just hot and nasty out for no good reason. I hate it. There I said it and I'm not sorry about it!

So it is about this time of year that I begin to long for all things Fall. As soon as August 1st hits I am officially done with Summer. It's an illness that I have. I get especially crabby when it is still 90 plus degrees outside. So this year, I have been forbidden by my lovely wife from expressing my disgruntledness until at least August 15th. She would prefer that I hold off until at least September 1st, but she was willing to compromise and split the difference with me. I'm sure by even writing this, I am breaking the rules, but this is me not caring. My mums at the house are blooming so I think I'm allowed.

I want it to be 65 degrees out! I want to wear a scarf while drinking a pumpkin latte! I want to roll around in a pile of red and orange leaves! I want to wear my sweaters! Lots and lots of sweaters! I want all of my food to be infused with the autumny goodness of pumpkin.

It's glorious and I can't wait for Fall. I'm done with Summer! So if you happen to see me anytime in the next month or so and it also happens to be over 90 degrees.... you may want to steer clear. That's a recipe for disaster!

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