I can't stand it when people lie to me. It's not so much the fact that it shows that someone has such little respect for me, it's that they think I'm so stupid that I won't be able to find out the truth.
Unfortunatly, I work in an industry in which I am lied to on a daily basis. Some examples of the lies that I am regularly told are as follows.
- Of course I have no tickets or accidents.
- Of course no one else will be driving my vehicles.- My 26 year old baby daddy that lives with me doesn't have a license because he never wanted to get one. (Not becuase it is currently revoked for having a DUI).
- The check is in the mail.- I'm a non-smoker. Lets write some life insurance on me!
- Of course this guy that is sitting next to me with whom I am asking if this coverage is acceptable, is not a member of my household and does not drive my car.The list continues. Today's lie in question is in regards to someone's home policy. We make it a practice to not insure homes that are vacant. We do this, because a vacant home is a claim waiting to happen. The mortgage company of one of our insureds notified us that his home is vacant. In response, we are cancelling his home. So he called me today wanting to know how to get the policy reinstated. Upon saying that someone would have to be living in the home, he says, "Ok... I will move in tomorrow". Really sir... you are just going to pick up and move back into this house that you are trying to sell? Do I look like a complete idiot?
The biggest problem with all these lies that people tell me is that people actually think that I believe them? Who is the bigger idiot now?
Oh well... Moving on.
In honor of the biggest liar of them all I will leave you with this.
Ron Blagojevich has been found guilty on 17 counts of various political wrong doing and then LYING about it. It all comes back to bite you in the end. Gotta love life lessons from Blago.

You mean letting someone else drive your vehicle is against the rules??