Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Blogs and "Drug" Deals

I like to blog. You would never know it because I am horrendously bad at doing it. I say I'm going to and then 3 months goes by without a single post. So I'm starting over. Apparently a fresh start fully necessitates starting a new blog.

I have no specific topic or theme in mind. Just simply whatever I want to talk or complain about. Perhaps I can entertain the 2 or 3 people who might actually be reading this.

So for my first post, I will tell a very interesting story that happened to me yesterday. For those who don't know... I work in a part of town that is less than desirable. I would call it "seedy" at best.

So... I went to the McDonald's right next to my office to pick up a hot fudge sundae. I put in my order and was standing back and waiting. Whilst standing there, a young shifty African-American man approached me. He looked around the room and spoke in subdued tones.

"He man, you use this?". He then gestured to a 6 pack of Dove bar soap in his hand.

"What?" I say perplexed.

"This soap man... you use this?".

By now, I'm sure I have a very confused look on my face. "No" I simply reply.

"Oh, you use body wash?".

Hesitantly I reply, "yes".

"Man cause I was hoping to sell this for like $6... you interested?"

"No" I quickly say.

He then proceeds to walk to the counter and flirt with the girl with a pink weave. And this scenario perfectly describes my work location. I'm pretty sure he just stole it from the Walgreen's next door and was trying to sell it for drug money. However, this leaves me wondering. Who in there right mind is buying soap from the shady guy at McDonald's as oppose to just buying it from the store? Do I look like the kind of guy that is trying to score a sweet deal on bar soap? Maybe he thought I hadn't showered in a few days and was just needing a fix. I'm not sure, but it was just very weird.

Stay tuned to see if I feel so inclined to write a second post.


  1. First of all ... Yay! I love your blogs.
    Second of all.... Yay! I am your first follower and as such would like a prize...say...some Dove Soap?
    Third...What a weird way to try and score some need to transfer to the non-seedy side of town.
    Fourth...How was the sundae? Yum.

  2. Great Story Mike! Is it too stalker-ish to be a follower?

  3. Of course not. Feel free to stalk me anytime!
