Sunday, July 24, 2011

Things I've Learned So Far

1. You can fit 9 adult men into a Ford Explorer.
2. Venezuelans are much better at clapping to the correct beat than us white folk.
3. It is appropriate to stop your game of kick ball when a herd of cattle jump onto the field from the bushes.
4. My crowning athletic achievement in life can be boiled down to a double in kickball.
5. Charades goes a long way in communication.
6. Skype is one of the most amazing innovations of modern technology. We got to talk to Julia tonight!
7. Chinese food in Venezuela is pretty much the same as Chinese food in America.
8. The origins of the word "Avocado" are disgusting. Look it up. I'm refusing to sully my blog with such grossness. If you actually like avocados, don't look it up. You will be ruined forever.
9. Coke is different here. I.e. Way better. Not sure why, but it totally is.
10. Hospitality and kindness are a universal language.

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