As some of you know, I have been on this kick to try and get healthier for about a year and a half now. It all started shortly after my daughter was born. It was also around this time that I had my annual physical. Turns out that I had super high cholesterol and was becoming a fatty. There is no nice way of putting it. I had gained 30 pounds over the past few years. My doctor gave me a stern talking to about my current state of affairs. Especially considering that I had open heart surgery in 2004, I needed to take better care of myself. I think I have used my heart surgery in the past as an excuse to not over do it and not push myself. That was the wrong way to look at it. It's because of my heart surgery, that I need to push myself and exercise. After seeing my beautiful daughter come into this world, I decided that I wanted to be here for here many many years to come. I can't control the things I was born with, like a stupid heard that doesn't work right, but I could control the way I ate and how much exercise I did. So I purchased P90X and started regularly working out. If you have ever been awake at 2AM and watching television, then you probably are aware of what P90X is. Change your life in 90 days, get muscles in places you didn't know existed, blah blah blah. I was skeptical of my ability to do it, but decided to give it a try anyway. So I put myself through 90 days of getting up early and working out. I certainly couldn't workout with the intensity that they do on the videos, but I did pretty well. I didn't get 6 pack abs or anything crazy like that, but I felt way better about myself and managed to lose some weight in the process. So I continued the P90X program in one form or another for a little over a year. By the beginning of August of this year I was getting very sick of it. I love Tony Horton and all, but after a year, he was getting a little on my nerves. So I was ready to try something new. I purchased another product by the Beach Body company called INSANITY. It's all capitalized because it is insane! This program promises to change your life in 60 days. Again, if you are up late at night, you have probably seen this infomercial as well. Its pretty much a ridiculous amount of jumping, squatting, push-upping craziness that is non stop! Holy crap this program sucks!!! Not in a bad way, but in the "I hate my life, why am I doing this" sort of way. Every morning when my alarm went off at 6am, I dreaded what was to come. However, after each workout, I managed to feel much better about myself and could definitely see some results happening. It was with this workout, that I finally got my weight to start with a 1 again! That hasn't happened for years! Thanks Shaun T and the rest of the Insanity crew!
One way that this program measures your progress is through a fit test. There are 8 different exercises that you do for a minute each and then you record your results. You do the fit test 5 times throughout the program. The first time I did the fit test, I thought I was going to die! What in the world had I gotten myself into? At the end I felt dizzy and definitely debated whether or not I was going to throw up. Luckily I didn't. Today, after finishing my final fit test, I still felt like I wanted to die, but there was no urge to turn myself inside out. Plus, I did way better and got a lot more reps on each move, so go me! Here are my results.
Switch Kicks: Day 1 - 100 Day 60 - 116
Power Jacks: Day 1- 40 Day 60- 53
Power Knees: Day 1- 80 Day 60-101
Power Jumps: Day 1- 25 Day 60- 41
Globe Jumps: Day 1- 7 Day 60- 9
Suicide Jumps: Day 1- 10 Day 60- 15
Push-up Jacks: Day 1- 10 Day 60- 20
Low Plank Oblique: Day 1- 35 Day 60- 60
I love seeing that I can do more on day 60 than when I started! For those that may be interested, here are my photo results as well. My starting weight was 206 and I ended up at 196.
Day 1 |
Day 1 |
Day 60 |
Day 60 |
Huge thanks goes out to my wife for putting up with my morning schedule and also to Darrin Miller, my workout buddy. It's only because I knew he was waiting for me to show up at his house bright and early that I even continued to do it!
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