According to Forbes Magazine, Springfield IL. has been named the third most violent city in the United States. Really? Of ALL the cities in the country, we are third most violent? This is completely ridiculous. Certainly the city has it's problem areas but by no means do I think we are the third most violent city in the country. My work is located right next to the bad side of Springfield and we insured many homes and vehicles that are located in these bad neighborhoods. And while we do have our occasional drive by shooting homeowners claims I still don't think we are the third worst! What about places like Chicago or East St. Louis? Both of these cities are in IL and are well known for their violence. You couldn't pay me to go to East St. Louis simply because I know that it is a dangerous city. Was this place not even included in the survey? What about LA or NYC? I just don't think the people at Forbes are trying hard enough.
Here is my other beef with this list. Anchorage Alaska is on it. Really? How violent could Anchorage really be? Sure it's cold there and maybe that makes people more irritable, therefore causing more violence but I just don't see it. It's more likely to me that people would stay inside where it is warm instead of being outside committing crimes. Maybe people are just mad that Sarah Palin has become the state mascot and they are taking it out on their own citizens. Or, maybe the survey is also taking into account violent crimes committed by animals too. Bear attacks and Moose home invasions are surly a staple up there right?
All in all, this survey is ridiculous and I refuse to believe that Springfield is the third most dangerous city in the country. I rather like Springfield and can vouch for the fact that it is just fine to live in. Just make sure you are not spending your nights walking up and down any streets numbered 9-24 and you won't have any problems.
What were the parameters of this list? Cities with a certain population? Or demographic? You are does sound like a ridiculous list. You should link to it.